Top Everything in 2015.

Pretty self-explanatory. Here goes (partially in Slovene).


~ Favourite poems ~

Mila Kačič: Med tisoči bi te spoznala

Med tisoči spoznala tvoj korak,
bi v vseh mogočih ritmih nog hitečih;
in v sanjah še spoznala mirni dih
bi tvoj med tisoči pokojno spečih.

S temo v očeh bi tvoje lice našla,
z ušesi mrtvimi tvoj čula smeh;
če veter še tako bi pota zgladil,
bi našla tvojo sled v peščenih tleh.

Le beži pred menoj, le, kamor koli.
Čeprav na najbolj skrito pot zaviješ,
se vendar – kakor grešnik pred vestjo –
pred mojo mislijo nikjer ne skriješ.

Mila Kačič: Prebujenje

Šla bom gola skozi pomladni dež.
Naj izpere z mene vso navlako
prešlih dni.

Pajčevino že v zametku trhlih
in izprijenih vezi.
Željâ upepeljenih saje
in ugaslih bolečin,
prah razočaranj in spoznanj,
vso rjo dvomov
in sumničenj bednih,
obljub gnilobo,
iz strahopetnosti zlaganih,
in vse blato premišljenih prevar.

Šla bom bosa skoz pomladni dež.
Da mi izmije nôge,
utrujene od blódenja
in od iskanj brezplodnih.

Skoz pomladni dež bom šla.
Morda me prav na koncu póti
le kdo čaka.

Stopiti hočem predenj čista,
s srcem dekletca,
ki še véruje v bajke.

Mila Kačič: Išči me

V dneh samote
me išči med stvarmi,
ki se morejo iz ljubezni dati.

V pomladnem spreletanju ptic,
v oblakih in večerni zarji,
ko se spaja s soncem.
V poletnih kresovih,
kadar jih jemlje vase
temina neba.
V divjanju vetróv,
prepletajočih se med sabo
in v vejah dreves,
ki so objemajoče rôke.
V vsem me najdeš.

Ko zabredeš v vódo,
me išči v valu
in se ti bom zapletla med nóge.
ki se je prisesala na skalo
in je več ne izpusti,
sem jaz.

V šelestenju trav me išči,
ki jih veter upogiba
in se mu s slastjo vdajajo,
v koreninah sem,
segajočih v srcé zemlje.

V vseh stvareh,
ki se morejo iz ljubezni dati
in iz ljubezni jemljejo,
me išči.
Povsod sem jaz,
je moja ljubezen.

Ivan Minatti: Čakam te

Čakam te. Čakam, prisluškujem, miže,
kdaj med tisočemi stopinjami
začutim tvoje,
kdaj med tisočemi zaznam

tvoj dih. Povsod te iščem:
po vseh križiščih,

po vseh poteh,
v potezah prihajajočih in odhajajočih,
v igri oblakov,
v menjavah senc pod večer…
O, leta dolgo
te iščem. Nekoč boš prišla.
Z lasmi dišečimi po vetru
in brezmejni prostosti,
usodna, neizbežna,
z očmi pogubnimi kot zamolkel talmun,
ki skriva v sebi
zdaj smrt, zdaj življenje…
Nekoč boš prišla. Ker moraš priti.

Ciril Zlobec: Sinoptični sonet

Telo vzdrhti, 
ko te poljubim, 
vsak dan, vse dni, 
odkar te ljubim.

To je ta sled, 
ta pot življenja, 
ko vodi v svet, 
se k tebi vzpenja.

V ta svet srca, 
kot jaz, zaupaj, 
v njem sva bila 
in bova skupaj, 
naj rečem ti: 
do konca dni?

~ Favourite moments, caught on camera ~

There’re loaaaaads of them ❤

Endless sunsets #1.


Endless sunsets and sunrises #2.
Faaaaaaaaaavourite cups. Imma cup-addict.
ŠDV shenanigans. ❤
Being creative with Janez! 😀 #collegelife #socped
One of the best nights ever ever ever.
One of the best nights ever ever ever.
Other special moments.
Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset
Caught the bouquet. Died of happiness.
Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset
My first day in ŠDV.


~ Favourite quotes ~

From my friends, family, schoolmates, shows etc.


*mislm, da je brala horoskop

Tadeja:  ‘Nova ljubezen te čaka pred vrati… Ajde, dej, odpri hitru vrata.’


*pred izpitom socialne interakcije

Maša: ‘Js mu bom nogo zarinla u rit, če da jutr težk izpit.’

Tadeja: ‘Mislm, da bo mu pol velik nog u riti.’


*en casual jutranji pogovor 😀

Maša: ‘Ej, kua maš ti tu črnu.. tle, pr paski.. Js nimam tega?’

Tadeja: ‘Ja pa… Tu smo mi… Pustovi.’


*pred še enim izpitom

Tadeja: ‘Js ne znam unih imen napisat. Lepeltier? Utilitaristi?! Ma deeeej, zakua niso dal Pust. Pa Čampa!!’


*na otvoritvi Majskih iger 2015

Maša: ‘Pa deeej, moraš se srečat z njim!’

Tadeja: ‘Okej. Sam čak. Najprej rabm mau pit, pol pa ja.’



Tadeja: ‘Veš unu, k si u dilemi.. K bi po eni strani ful jela smoki, po drugi bi bla pa rada suha.’


*random pogovori #1

Tadeja: ‘Poznaš Hannah Montana? K je mela dvojno življenje?’

Tomaž: ‘A shizofrenijo??’


*random pogovori #2

Tadeja: ‘Ej, dans bi šle lahku vn, k sm lepa.’


*random pogovori #3

Tad: ‘Ej, moj tumblr je taku lep. Tak… Preprost. Ku moja duša.’


*random pogovori #4

Tad: ‘Če bi mi nekdu zdle reku nej grem z njim u Kenijo, bi šla prec.’

Tomaž: ‘U Kenijo? Da bi kenjala?’


*random pogovori v 3. štuku ŠDVja

Tina B.: ‘Je že vedu zakua je tu dobr. Čeprou bul slabu.’


*pogovor o tem, kaku mora neki nouga napisat za blog

Tadeja: ‘Ma, ne. Ne bom, ne bom.. Bom takrt, ku bom mela fanta..’


*Nuša razlaga o svojih problemih

Nuša: ‘… in me je osvajou pa sploh nism pogruntala. Kar je ful čudnu. Ker ponavad use pogruntam. Sam matematke ne. Drgač pa vse.’


*z Nušo gledam slike enega njenega sošolca

Maša: ‘K je kej lepši ku tle?’

Nuša: ‘Je lepši… Sam še zmer ni lep.’


*sedimo pri mizi, gre se debata o šoli stare mame & Mateja zanima, če je bla kdaj tepena

Mama: ‘Župnik me je… po rokah me je užgal.’

Matej: ‘Pa ga nisi nazaj usekala?’

Mama: ‘Si nism upala… sam zdej bi pa ga.’


*je mela stara mama rojstni dan, je pršla žlahta na obisk, ampak ena sestrična je šla prej domov

Mama: ‘(drugim) Ja kua pa vi, še ne greste dumu?’

Katja: ‘Ja, ne mormo vsi čez vrata.’

Mama: ‘Uuuuuu, so dost široka!’


*socped; vaje razvojne psihologije, gledamo datume predstavitev

Anthony: ‘A tle, 31.12., ste se hecal? Da mamo predstavitve?’

prof.: ‘No, uradno je to delovni dan…’

Anthony: ‘No, js bom pa močno mislu na Vas…’


*socped; predavanja sociologije vzgoje, ena sošolka reče za poplave v Medvodah

Slavko: ‘Nebo je jokalo zaradi Maribora, ker so zgubil proti Chelsea 5:0…’


*socped; predavanja sociologije vzgoje

Slavko: ‘Ubi ubi žabara… tu si mogu znat, če si hotu met passaport na Štajersko..’


*socped; predavanja pri Darjici, govori o magisteriju

Darja: ‘Če pa se hočte it iz socialne pedagogike na SRP prepisat, pa dobite, itak, tak… venček izpitov.. Z mašnco. Pentlco.’


”We do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want. And this I know – nothing is worse than missing an oportunity that could’ve changed your life. ” – Addison, Grey’s Anatomy



~ Favourite books ~ 

Ildefonso Falcones: La Catedral del Mar

Seriously one of the best books I’ve read in my life. SO. GOOD. I like history very much indeed, but I didn’t know a lot about Spanish history. Okay, I didn’t know anything. The main story is about a man named Arnau and his path to freedom and finding love and loads of other things, but along the way you find out so many interesting facts about what was happening in Spain back in 14th century and that is why I love it so much. I found it so fascinating to read. So, thanks so much S., for recommending this one to me!


Diana Gabaldon: Outlander

I’m sad to say it (not really), but Pride and Prejudice is going to have to share its’ first place with Outlander on my list of favourite books ever. I’ll admit, I’m not very far with reading this one, but if it’s as awesome as the show was (and it is), then I have nothing else to say than YOU GO READ IT, TOO. I am beyond in love with the story and just about everything. It’s about a woman called Claire who ”accidentaly” travels back in time (from 1945 to 1743) in Scotland and loads of things start happening to her (Jamie, for example. Yum yum Jamie!). My sister and I are OBSESSED with it. If you’re not a bookworm, go check out the show – and stick to the end of Season 1 (Season 2 is out in March/April!)! Because it’s FREAKING WORTH IT. The last episode is gonna make you cringe, cry, squirm and just plain die (of sadness and joy). It’s amazing and SO MUCH BETTER than Game of Thrones. Trust me. So, thanks a lot Sasha for recommending the book and thanks so so so much J. for giving me it for my birthday – you know how much joy it brought me!


~ Favourite shows/movies ~

  • Outlander
  • Downton Abbey
  • Grey’s Anatomy
  • The Mentalist
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Mr Smith Goes to Washington
  • Do You Believe?
  • Pitch Perfect 2
  • A Little Chaos
  • Testament of Youth
  • Age of Adaline
  • Unbroken
  • Gone Girl
  • Still Alice
  • The Imitation Game
  • Far from the Madding Crowd

~ Favourite music ~

John Legend – Glory

If you haven’t seen Selma yet, you’re missing out. Such a good, inspiring, heart-breaking movie.


Labirinth – Jealous


Ruth Lorenzo – Dancing in the Rain


HAIM – Holes In The Sky

Driving a car + having this on highest volume = perfection. Arghhh, 1:05 and 2:55 just about kills me. ❤


Willamette Stone – Today

My favourite happy song (along Heart Like Yours, of course).


BANUEV – Bienaventurados los misericordiosos


Billy Boyd – The Last Goodbye


Creedence Clearwater – Fortunate son

My favourite ever since I heard it in Forrest Gump.



Thanks so much for sticking by. I really, really appreciate it.

and repeat after me, i am free

I’m literally crying rivers right now. The Mister is going away to France for  New Years Eve (yeah, I know it’s three days away) and I just can’t help myself but cryyyy. That’s how pathetic I am.  Let’s not be so pessimistic tho, shall we? 😉

Nevertheless, college is going allright. I’ll probably start studying next week (well, it’s about time!) because exams are just three weeks away and I have SO MUCH WORK TO DO OH MY GOD. I also have one more paper to do and then I’m off the hook for this semester, yay. Finally. See, I understand you can learn hell of a lot from doing papers, but I’m just kind of getting annoyed with them. So I am really happy the biggest part of it is behind me. Though I think, this one will be the hardest one to write. First, I have to make an interview with a person who has a different life story than mine (prisoners, ex drug or alcohol addicts, disabled people, priests etc). I’ve already done that, and it wasn’t awkward at all. *sarcasm* It was exactly what I expected and I am literally so afraid to listen to it because I hate hate hate my voice on tape. And the awkwardness is just that cherry on top. Ugh! But, I will have to listen to it and write it all down and then analyse everything. I am now really angry at myself that I didn’t go to class last Monday to find out how this analysing shit even works. But, I mean, hello, it was Christmas next day and I wanted to get home as soon as possible. I even ditched classes next day (are you kidding me, having classes on a day before Christmas! What’s up with that?!). I really hope everything will go great and that I’ll pass all my exams. Cus I really don’t want to study all summer. Though I have a feeling I will have to. *creys*

I am actually pretty annoyed at how warm this winter is. It’s supposed to be snowing, for God’s sake. I love having snow at home, but hate it in the city, cus it’s all ewww. But at home (I live on a countryside) I love spending time on it. Last year was absolutely MENTAL, my best friend and I had SO much fun. Sledding on a tractor tyre (I mean that inflatable rubber thing inside, not the actual tyre. I dunno the correct name for it, sorry)  is one of the best things to do in winter time, but also really hard if you have a hyperactive dog beside you. 😀

Ughhh, I wanted to watch A Christmas Carol on TV tonight, but of course my brother has to be the boss when it comes to TVs. And so we watched Harry Potter #3. Or, they watched it, I was still too upset of The Mister leaving me. *starts crying all over again*

Okay, that’s all for now (sorry, so lame), I can’t think of anything else atm. Hope you had a loooooovely Christmas and I wish you all a happy New Year, filled with joy, laughter and loads of love. Cheeeeesy.